
Urdu Language: How to Pronounce Urdu Words Correctly

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and one of the official languages of India. It's also spoken in many other countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Fiji, Kenya, Mauritius, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. As Urdu has become more popular around the world in recent years, it has become increasingly important to be able to pronounce its various letters and words correctly and accurately. Here are some helpful tips on how to learn Urdu effectively by mastering pronunciation. Learn Urdu

Lesson 1) Most Common Letters in Urdu

The most common letters in Urdu are similar to those of English. Letters that have different pronunciations include z and kh, which are both pronounced like a hard h in English, and words starting with an s can be pronounced like an unvoiced version of that letter or as a short sh. As for vowels, we recommend practicing them one at a time until you can comfortably read sentences out loud.

Lesson 2) Learn Vowels in Arabic Alphabet (Tashkeel)

The Arabic vowels or sukoon (????) have a unique pronunciation. For example, unlike most other vowel-sounds, they are made with complete closure of both lips, and are hence often called closed vowels or lipped vowels. This makes them allophones of other sounds that can be used in free variation with them.

Lesson 3) Learn Consonants in Arabic Alphabet (Tashkeel)

The Arabic language uses 28 letters and 4 vowel sounds. 14 of these are consonants, which include: 6 simple consonants and 8 compound consonants. Let's learn how to pronounce all of them!

Lesson 4) Learn Punctuation Marks in Urdu

In English, there are seven marks of punctuation that help us change a sentence's meaning and mood. These include question marks, exclamation points, commas, periods, colons, semicolons and dashes. In Urdu language there are only five marks of punctuation — which ones are they? And what do they mean? Let's learn how to use them in our sentences. Read on...

Lesson 5) Practice Your Pronunciation with Audio Files

The English language has only a handful of vowels and consonants, making it very easy for you to learn how each one is pronounced. Contrastingly, many Urdu words are distinguished by similar-sounding letters (for example, both ? and ? make a sound similar to that made by r). If you want to pronounce your words correctly, you can practice by listening closely to native speakers on audio files.

Lesson 6) Practice Writing With The Handwriting Keyboard

Why spend a lot of time learning how to write Urdu if you can't even read it once you have learned? The best way to learn writing is by practicing. Here at LearnUrduPod, we have designed some free online lessons for you that will help you write Urdu in an easy and simple manner. Follow these tips and improve your handwriting. Good luck! urdu Language

Lesson 7) 10 Fun Ways to Learn Grammar Rules in Urdu

Learning grammar rules in a new language can be dull and boring, especially for adults learning as an adult. Don't let it get you down! Read on for some fun ways to learn how to speak grammar correctly in Urdu.

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